10 Augmented Reality in Future Perspectives | Trends and Challenges Ahead

Augmented reality in future, Technowadays

Do you know, the AR global market will generate 597.6 billion dollars by 2030? AR is continuously evolving at an outstanding pace to meet technological advancements in the modern world.

With the current scenario, it is not hard to imagine a future where AR will be integrated into our homes, workplaces, and indoor and outdoor spaces by blurring the line between the digital and the real world. Well, augmented reality in future is bound to reshape the world around us.

Let’s explore different trends and possible challenges of augmented reality in future. In the following blog, we will also discuss the use of AR in major industries and how it will integrate with your daily lives.

Current Status of Augmented Reality Technology

Speaking of your everyday interaction with augmented reality, have you ever used custom filters on social media apps such as Snapchat, Facebook, and TikTok?

Well, you would be amazed to hear that you interact with the AR every time you create a custom filter by using these social media lens studios. 

However, AR has a far more extensive scope than just filters. Augmented Technology is revolutionizing our interaction with the world around us, from healthcare to education. Above all, you can see a groundbreaking use of AR in gaming, which has dissolved the line between fiction and reality. Before discussing the trends and challenges of AR, let’s dive into the different use cases of augmented reality in future.

Industries AR Can Revolutionize in the Future

Augmented Reality in future has the potential to revive working methods for a large number of industries with its ability to visualize different products before their manufacturing digitally. We will discuss major industries in branding, engineering and automation, education, health, and fashion. 

Marketing and Branding

Different brands and manufacturing companies show the virtual appearance of their products to grab the customer’s attention. They provide a unique experience by creating prototypes to show the customers what the end product will look like. It is beneficial for brand awareness to win the customers’ loyalty.


It is a fact that students create a better understanding of any phenomenon or topic if they experience it in the physical world. AR provides the opportunity to create different virtual objects, and students can learn from 3D holograms of different objects from geometry and cosmology. Well, the benefits of Augmented reality in future of education departments do not end here. It is quite helpful for medical students as they can see the 3D visualization of different organs and understand the anatomy more properly.  No wonder, Augmented reality in future can enhance the interest of students in their studies!

Engineering and Automation

Have you ever tried a 3D experience with different items in an online store? Different apps allow the customer to see the product such as furniture, automobiles, or other items by rotating it on 360 degrees. You can also make some changes in the color and other things to see what it looks like. This is also an application of AR, however, it still requires a lot of advancements to break the like between reality and the digital world to make the use experience seamless. 


Augmented reality has an extensive list of benefits for healthcare departments. AR plays a crucial role in improving the precision of robotic-assisted surgery. It provides advanced interfaces that will enhance the user’s perception of different medical situations to make better decisions during surgery.  AR can play its role in the following areas of healthcare in the future:

  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

AR can improve the patient’s behavior by making them more involved in the treatment. Therapists can gather the data and organize it in a better way to generate more helpful outcomes.

  • Seamless Navigation of the Hospital

You can see multiple floors and different departments in a hospital which is quite hard to manage by using traditional methods. However, with the help of augmented reality in future, patients can, without any problem, orient themselves around the hospital using their smartphone cameras. Here, AR will place a direction mark on the image to tell the patient where to go. 

  • Assistance in Medical Treatment

Augmented reality technology can create different simulations for a seamless treatment of several medical conditions. 

  • Consumer Awareness

Further, it can provide a seamless understanding of how certain treatments and medications can impact the health and current medical condition of the patients. Doctors can use it to create virtual simulations and demonstrations for consumer education.

By diving into different industries, you must have learned about the boundless benefits of augmented reality in future. The story does not end here. You are about to see a diverse and innovative advancement in Augmented reality technologies in the future.

Now, we will discuss different trends in AR that will connect the physical world with the digital world to create a whole new and seamless user experience.

Enhancement in AR Hardware

Apple users are already aware of motion capture and people occlusion using the LiDAR scanning technology and augmented reality measurement tool to create floor maps. On the other hand, Google’s ARCore is also in competition to enhance the sophistication and accuracy of its augmented reality experience with Apple’s ARkit.

Creation of Mixed-Reality Experience

Mixed reality has become another focused area for the industry by blending virtual and augmented reality to create an enhanced mixed reality experience. This harmonious fusion between VR and AR is beneficial for the gaming industry.

A Possibility for Metaverse

Metaverse is a type of shared online space that can be created with a combination of AR, VR, AI, 5G networks, and other technologies. Simply, it is a convergence of virtual, augmented, and physical reality. It will be an enhanced version of 2D Internet into 3D and 4D versions.

Integration of AI with Augmented Reality in Future

The integration of generative artificial intelligence and augmented reality is expected to create a more advanced, realistic, and efficient digital world. This is also a great step towards multi-sensory technologies, such as haptic gloves and devices that sense smell. 

Advance Controllers and Wearables

There are several smart glasses and head-mounted displays available in the market. They are already famous for their use in different manufacturing industries. However, companies are trying to introduce more efficient wearable AR controllers for better interactions.

AR-based Mobile tools and games

Different startups use AR for gaming as it creates a sense of reality. They are also focusing on integrating AR elements into traditional games and combining AR gameplay with physical toys to bring developments.

Till now, we have discussed the benefits and innovative trends of augmented reality in future that can revolutionize our everyday lives seamlessly. However, this technology does not come without challenges and dangers. For the safe use of this technology, it is essential to understand and mitigate risks and dangers.

Challenges of Augmented Reality 

The challenges of augmented reality are essential to be countered for a better future.

  • It has several physical health risks including eye strain and discomfort. Moreover, people also experience physical injuries due to losing track of the real world while interacting with AR
  • The second major concern is data security. AR applications usually have access to the sensitive and personal data of individuals. So this collection of detailed data can increase concerns about user privacy.
  • Moreover, it can reduce the social interaction between people leading to a significant increase in the communication gap, and a decline in face-to-face interaction between people.

By summing up the trends and unprecedented applications and benefits of augmented reality in our daily lives, augmented reality in future is prone to evolve. However, reducing the potential risks and problems that society may face due to AR is essential for a secure and more powerful future.

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